Rohan O'Neill-Stevens

Rohan O'Neill-Stevens

Standing for Mayor

It has been a challenging week for Nelsonians, and my heart goes out to those impacted by the severe weather we’ve experienced, especially those who have lost their homes or cannot yet return.

The road to recovery will be a long one, but already we have seen many stories of kindness and community – generous donations, neighbourhoods gathering with shovels and wheelbarrows, local businesses and contractors offering their time and expertise to help with our response.

I want to acknowledge the strange position campaigning holds when our focus is so strongly on dealing with the here and now of this damage.  However, our upcoming election will elect a council that will be responsible for the ongoing response to this event and who gets elected really matters.

This week has been a clear reminder that Nelson Whakatū is a wonderful community to live in, but we’re facing immense challenges. The need for resilience as a city has been drastically highlighted, climate change is a growing risk, our centres are facing the impacts of decades of underinvestment, the housing crisis is pushing many out of the region, our natural environment remains significantly degraded, and many of our community, arts and sporting organisations need better support.

The role of your next mayor will be a large one – both leading our city through its recovery, and putting in place long-term solutions to ensure that, as climate change delivers a greater likelihood of significant weather events, we’re better equipped to manage them.

As your councillor I’ve been a strong voice for these issues, fought to improve the lives of residents, and have a proven track record, and as your Mayor I will be focused on delivering for Nelsonians under three key pillars: a strong city, resilient communities, and healthy nature.

I’ll lead our council to deliver a strong response, to work with our communities to co-design resilience measures, invest in our people and infrastructure, deliver an efficient and sustainable transport network, provide affordable housing, and unlock our economic potential.

Nelsonians deserve a Mayor who will be on the ground to hear directly from residents the issues impacting them, and a Mayor who will deliver for them, and that is what I’m offering this election.

Together we can build a city for all – Vote 1 Rohan O’Neill-Stevens.