Ian Williams (Independent)

Ian Williams (Independent)

Standing for At Large

I know how business and governance works. Recent tough times for business and families need a supportive council with joined-up thinking, reasonable rates, and sensible spending. Strong business economy drives successful community. I also want to see the lifeblood of Nelson restored, and resources used for what people want and need.

I offer common sense leadership and a desire to serve people. The ethos of public service needs strengthening. Ratepayers are customers, and I want to join a Council that listens to people and works cohesively. Uncertain times need unity, not division.

I’m a grounded person from an industrial working-class background. I understand real life and real problems, not least through prison chaplaincy. I listen and reflect before I speak.

My priorities: review how rates are set; spend on real needs; business well-being; strong public service; a thrust to make our city fun again post-Covid. After all, I’m a hospitality family business owner and association president. We need events, vibrancy, and effective marketing of Nelson to attract visitors; our agencies need to be working together on shared priorities.

Authorised by Ian Williams 201 Trafalgar St, Nelson