Sean Davis

Sean Davis

Standing for Central Ward

When we have customers and businesses by-passing Nelson to spend their money in Richmond then it’s clear something is broken.  

Nelson city was once the hub of business and social activity for the Top of the South, but recently investment into infrastructure and business in Nelson has stalled and we now run the risk of slipping behind our Tasman neighbours.

The secret to creating an Energetic, Vibrant, Optimistic City is to attract Energetic, Vibrant, Optimistic People and we can only do this by creating an environment where opportunities are abundant.  Business, Recreation and Social opportunities have been too long blocked or tied up in red tape from council.

If elected on to council my focus will be on developments, initiatives and investments that create opportunities that attract people back to Nelson to spend their time and money.

Authorised by Sean Davis, 83 Collingwood, Nelson