Peter Win (Nelson Citizens Alliance)

Peter Win (Nelson Citizens Alliance)

Standing for Central Ward

Nelson Central is my place of residence.

I am passionate about the opportunity to work for Nelson.

Nelson City deserves driven councillors with real business skills and experience.

People who think creatively, work to find the best solutions on every issue and who truly understand financial accountability. These are skills I have and would be privileged to bring to the table with my solid background in starting and developing businesses over the years.

With experience in event hosting and organisation I am excited at the opportunity to bring vibrancy back into our city, enlivening and connecting all aspects of our community all year round.

With your support as an elected Nelson City Councillor, I commit to;

1. Keeping rates under control

2. Stopping extravagant projects when they have been poorly conceived, such as the new library

3. Challenging the Three Waters structure in its current form

4. Opening the lines of communication with the community again

5. Helping put Nelson back on track for a great future

Vote Peter Win for a more business-like, effective and accountable council.