Kahu Paki Paki

Kahu Paki Paki

Standing for Whakatū Māori Ward

Kahu Paki Paki

Māori Ward Candidate – Te Kaunihera o Whakatū 2022

Te Reo Māori

E noho ana au i te mana whakahaere o Whakatū.  He kaitono ahau mō te Wāri Māori.

Ka nui te mihi maioha ki a koutou e nga rau rangatira ma!

Ko Te Ātiawa tōku Iwi, nō Te Tauihu o te Waka a Maui ahau. I tupu mai au ki kōnei. Ko taku turangawaewae. E rua tekau mā rimu tau, i mahi ahau i te kaimahi hanga whare, ko te ringa ngaio me he ringatoi i roto i te hapori Māori. Mō te whakapai ngā iwi Māori te take.

Ka taea e tātou te mahia i tēnei kaupapa. Ka noho e tātou he tūranga hirahira ki te tēpu o te Kaunihera o Whakatū. Ahakoa he tino nui te wero, he tino nui te mahi!

Ka tangi au aku mahi ki a koutou, he whakawhānaungatanga, he whākaritea, he hononga tātou katoa.

Ehara taku toa i te takitahi, engari he toa takitini!



My principal place of residence is in te Kaunihera o Whakatū rohe. I will be standing for the Whakatū Māori Ward.

A descendant of Te Ātiawa, I was raised in this region. I am a local boy with local interests. My experience over the past 25 years as a builder, businessman and artist has me well qualified to achieve our interests.

Our community now has a great opportunity to have a seat at the table of local governance and it is my passion to represent the mana of ngā iwi Māori ō Whakatū. Although this is a great challenge, it has great value.

My focus will be building relationships and lending my enthusiasm to be part of a unified community to make our city a vibrant and exciting place to live.

It is not achieved by my work alone, but by our community.

Tihei mauri ora!